Five Common Mistakes People Make When Dealing With Substance Addiction

Believing there’s no hope

Martin Seligman first “discovered” learned helplessness in 1965. When animals are put in conditions they can’t control, he discovered that they cease trying to flee. They relinquish control.

Humans are all the same. If you’ve had disastrous setbacks, a long-term problem that you can’t change, or a terrifying occurrence that you couldn’t avoid, you may have lost faith in your power to modify your life or change painful conditions. Sometimes an ongoing mood disorder can lead to feelings of hopelessness.

A persistent mood problem can sometimes leave you feeling despondent.

You can find more tranquility and less tension when you focus your attention on the present moment.


Ignoring Medical Advice

After stopping drugs and alcohol, withdrawal isn’t just unpleasant. It can be harmful in some situations, such as delirium tremens. If the adverse effects are severe enough, you may feel compelled to relapse just to feel better.

 Although detoxing is never enjoyable, Serene Rehabilitation Centre can assist you in being as secure and comfortable as possible while also preparing you for future success.


Ignoring Your Mental Health Addiction 

This has a significant physical component, but it also affects your mental and emotional health. As a result, mental health treatment is an essential component of any effective addiction treatment program.

Many substance misuse disorders are triggered by mental illness and unmet emotional needs. Similarly, consuming drugs and alcohol can have a significant negative influence and exacerbate underlying mental health issues.

It’s difficult to break free from the grip of substance usage because of this vicious cycle. You can, however, escape and emerge stronger with the correct treatment from competent mental health professionals.


Failing to Establish a Strong Support System

It is not advisable for anyone to attempt to recover from a substance abuse issue on their own. Building a solid, dependable support system of people who will encourage you is the key to success.

Family members, friends, mentors, and religious leaders may all be part of this support system. It could also come from specialists at an addiction treatment centre or from people who are on the same path as you. Make sure anybody you choose to be on your team is trustworthy, supportive of your positive changes, and doesn’t try to hold you back.


Maintaining the Same Social Routines

We’re creatures of habit, as much as we loathe to accept it. We’re also susceptible to social influences, particularly when they come from people with whom we spend a lot of time. If you aren’t aware of these two characteristics, they can spell doom for your recovery.

Avoiding the settings that led to your previous substance use is a vital component of getting sober, whether from drugs or alcohol. That could mean avoiding social gatherings at bars or nightclubs for a recovering drinker. You may also need to cut ties with friends and family members that enable your sobriety rather than supporting it.

It’s difficult to change your social patterns, but if you can substitute good activities for toxic ones, you’ll feel less of a loss.


Make Sure You Don’t Make These Mistakes 

When It Comes to Addiction Recovery, while every sober path will have its ups and downs, learning more about these addiction recovery blunders will help you avoid them. To pave your way toward a drug-free future, find a decent support system, use healthy coping skills, and trust the process.


Are you looking for a drug detox, alcohol rehab, or mental health treatment facility in Nairobi, Kenya? Serene Rehabilitation Centre can be contacted online or call @ +254 746460202. Our admissions coordinators are here to assist you with any questions you may have about starting the recovery process.



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